Wednesday, August 20, 2014

David's Birthday

Still catching up...
So for David's birthday the only thing he would ask for was steel.  He wanted steel to work in his forge to make some knives and a sword.
David loves katana swords.  He spends tons of time researching about the making of katanas and works outside practicing his forging techniques trying to get better all the time.  And, now, for his birthday he wanted more steel.
It's really hard to surprise someone when you have to get all the details of the object from them because you know nothing about it and you want to make sure you get the right thing.  We asked him the size, shape, type and all that several times over trying to get it right.
He wouldn't ask for anything else so we were kind of stuck.  How do you make it a surprise?!
So Jason got David some steel.

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